Tuesday night, January 1, 7:30 p.m.
We awoke to steady rain. It absolutely never rains here in January! We managed to find heavy plastic bags, protected all the food from the moisture, and drove the 15 miles of very bad road to the village of Boca de Tomatlan, where the road ends. We hired our cargadors to carry our many bags down to be loaded into the panga – the water taxi. We were pleased with ourselves that we made it in time for the 10:00 a.m. boat, only to find that (because of all the celebrating the night before) there would be no 10 am boat, and maybe no 11 am boat either. Luckily, there was a lovely little restaurant right on the edge of the water, so we enjoyed coffee, huevos rancheros and conversation with the locals until shortly after noon, when the boat finally left. Still pouring rain. The sea was relatively calm, so the “crossing”

was kind of fun, with the rain pelting us. We saw no whales or dolphins. Chrissi and I got busy preparing dinner for our guests, who never showed up. They got the word from someone that there were no water taxis running today. So we had a nice dinner and finally got our guacamole and beer. It’s lovely to be here; this place feels like home to us. Hit the sack early, the crashing of the waves and the rain on the roof providing soothing music for our dreams.