Sébastien Gauthier

New Roof on the Nest

nido 002 nido 003 nido 004 nido 005The Eagle’s Nest or  El Nido, is getting a new top.  A palm thatched hut on the ocean may be romantic, but it does have a down side… it doesn’t last forever,  We started seeing some wear this year and if you stayed there in the summer rains, you may have experienced a bit of that rain on the inside.  So a call went out to Candillo, our master palapa craftsman and he got us on his schedule.  I don’t mean just his work schedule, but also the harvesting schedule.  We are using Royal Palms for this palapa.


One thought on “New Roof on the Nest

  1. linda wolf

    Our women’s retreat participant, Paula Lowry, from Georgia was ecstatic about staying in the nest here at El Jardin. She loved it… what a great place to have a retreat….

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